According to Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), all electronic documents uploaded on the DGFT site must be signed with Digital Signature Certificates. This means that every Export and Import Organizations (EXIM organizations) needs to necessarily have a Digital Signature Certificate for transactions related to the DGFT website.
DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is a Class 2 Digital Signature specially for EXIM Organizations who are having Import Export Code (IEC) in India.
DGFT Digital Signature is only Signing Certificate issued to that Organization who has IEC Code. In addition to convenience, DGFT DSC Users can save upto 50% of License Fees on DGFT Website.
The various benefits of Digital Signature Certificate for DGFT are cost savings, time-saving, minimize of paperwork, safe, reliable and confidentiality.
To buy DGFT digital signature call us at +91-9436498069 or write to us at